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  • Writer's pictureSahar Saeed

Congratulations Jess on a Successful Thesis Defence and a New Role 🎉

Congratulations, Jessica Burnside, who has successfully defended her Master's thesis, "Significant sex disparities in the prevalence, cardiometabolic risk profiles and management of Steatotic Liver Disease using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging," like a rock-star epidemiologist 🎉 As the reviewers said, "Jess has set a very high bar," and we couldn't be happier with that compliment!

This achievement is a testament not only to her intelligence, but also to her exceptional dedication, perseverance, and commitment to her research project. As of July 22, Jess has started a new role with the EPIX Lab as our Project Manager.

Jess, we are incredibly proud of you and eagerly await to witness the amazing things you will accomplish in the future!

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